Get Paid to Write Tutorials is growing and are now looking for writers interested in helping this site to grow even more. The goal is to build up a large, easy to read (and understand) collection of how-to articles, guides, instructional articles, tips and tricks etc. What better way then to have articles written for the readers, by the readers?!
As an article writer you will receive $10 for each article submission that is accepted for publication. There is no restriction to the amount of articles that you can write but the topic covered should preferable be related to Linux FOSS (Free Open Source Software) Windows tutorials are accepted on a case by case basis.
Please apply if you have the following qualities:
- You must be a experienced Linux user and are familiar with all Linux flavors
- You must be able to clarify difficult concept in easy words and sentences.
- You must be self-sufficient and are able to come up with your own brilliant, creative article topics.
- You must be able to write how-to articles, guides, instructional articles, tips and tricks etc.
Writing Guidelines
- The article must contain at least 500 words (code examples included) and should not be published somewhere else.
- Do not copy content from other sites, come up with your own content and ideas.
- Usage of ignorant language and untrustworthy comments shall lead to deletion of the post.
Important Information
- Preferred payment method is PayPal, other options have to be agreed upon BEFORE article is published.
- Payment will be done when article is published.
- Your tutorial may be edited prior to publishing to fit the website theme.
- Before submitting the tutorial, test it once more on a fresh server.
- Host any images in the tutorial on imgur.(Images will copied to the server before publishing the article)
- you, as author will get a link to your author profile where you can have information about yourself or even a link to your own website/blog.
- The article becomes the property of this site and you can not publish it anywhere else.
If you’re not sure whether your tutorial concept is suitable, send us a pitch, along with an introduction and examples of your work, and we’ll review then let you know.
Submission should be sent to, with subject “Lowendguide Article” and include your name, short introduction of yourself, location and sample article if any.
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